![]() This weekend Read to Succeed will accept an award as the 2014 ACSF "Grassroots Partner Champion." All of us who contribute to R2S with time, money and/or talent are thrilled with this recognition. Thank you, everyone! As I thought about the upcoming event I realized how often people ask me about R2S and what drew me to the organization. The answer is easy: I was a newcomer to Asheville, recently retired, and looking for a way to connect with the community. I read a guest commentary in the Asheville Citizen-Times, written by our dynamo board member, Catherine Alter, and I knew this was where I needed to be. I'd like to honor Catherine by re-publishing her newspaper piece, which inspired me and most of the September 2012 literacy coach trainees. She is one of a handful of founding board members without whom this program would little more than a good idea. And who know? It may resonate with you, or with someone near to you. Please share this with others. We're taking names for our Fall 2014 training session. If you think, as I did, think this might be a good fit, contact our volunteer coordinator, at the end of the article below. (Note: when Catherine's piece was written, we had 13 reading coaches in one Asheville elementary school. Today we're in 4 of 5 city schools and the number of reading coaches have almost quadrupled. Yes, we ARE making a difference!)
Welcome to the first ever edition of the R2S Blog!
It's a wonderful opportunity to share some exciting news: Read to Succeed Asheville is honored by the Asheville City Schools Foundation as their 2014 Grassroots Partner Champion. I love when hard work and excellent results are recognized! We are very grateful to ACSF for this distinction. We value our partnership with the Foundation, an important resource to the Asheville educational community. R2S is a team effort, reflecting the confluence of focused efforts and high standards. We know our intensive training program prepares R2S coaches to give the very best instruction. And since 2009, our board has worked to find creative, effective ways to expand and improve literacy within Asheville City Schools. But the key to our successes - the people who are the heart and soul of this program - are our reading coaches. Kudos to our coaches, who, week after week, year after year, work tirelessly with their students, giving the priceless gift of literacy. Thank you, one and all. Those of us who live in and around Asheville: March 29 is the 2014 Celebration of Champions Dinner. It's also a fundraiser for ACSF, so consider joining us to celebrate our award and support ACSF. Follow this link for more information and to reserve your seat at the event. Please share this news - and this website - with a friend or a relative. And be sure to head over to our Facebook page and become an official friend! That FB "thumb's up" is important to us and translates into greater exposure within our community (and beyond!) And don't be shy: chime in by commenting on this blog. I promise to respond! Stay tuned for the next installment. It's the very best way to stay abreast of Read to Succeed Asheville news. |
About R2S
Read to Succeed Asheville/Buncombe (R2S) is a local, independent nonprofit on a mission to help close the Archives
February 2025